Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Stair-stepping Phases

My boyfriend and I really really like each other. As in, one of us is always touching the other when we are together. Hand on knee, holding hands, even barefoot touching leg, it's crazy, it's like we are one of those underwater creatures that is all connected, depending on the others for survival...what is that, coral?

Anyway..we were recently at a local deli getting dinner and the young man behind the counter commented on our honeymooning, blissed-out decorum. "Wow, you guys are really happy. That's awesome." To which my lovely (if not faultless--okay, remember, I am in the honeymoon-stage, and I'm gonna enjoy it, dammit..) boyfriend replies, "Even on a bad day, it's a good day with her." (Altogether: "AW." Or "Blech," I suppose, depending on your own personal situation. If it makes you BLECH, perhaps you can move on to another blog. It isn't too late.) He motions to me and I beam my Fourth of July sunshiny smile at him. And he blushes. He is always blushing and I am forever finding ways to make him do so. It's so fun (beam).

Anyhoo, we have been, over the last couple of weeks, meeting for coffee in the early hours of the morning. Now, I must say this is a WONDERFUL incentive for getting out of bed, but we were also locking lips until late at night each night. Which means, basically, we are both EXHAUSTED. He was the one to realize that I was worn out. I went for a walk after work yesterday and my thoughts started out with, "Oh, isn't it nice that things are going so well with us" to "Oh now I have found a major red flag and I need to talk to him about it right away!" What started as a stroll ended up a death march.

All he asked was, "Are you tired?" And it all broke loose. As our conversation unfolded, we both realized that we cannot keep up this marathon of emotion. It's just too much. It's been fun, but honestly, I am ready for the next phase. And he agrees. What I need to really believe is that each phase has it's beauty, it's fun, it's emotional depth. The kisses will be sweeter because we know each other better. Our time together will be more precious, because we know what it's worth. I am ready.

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