Monday, August 3, 2009

DATE #1 - The Narcissist

To kick off my dating experiment, I met with a guy who decided to really give me an earful. This is what I heard:

I really think.....
This is really important to me:
I believe......
So, that's about it.
(Oh, and I probably should point out once again how incredibly intelligent I am.)

Yes, my friends, allow me to introduce you to The Narcissist. Why is it, dear reader, that this type of male thinks it necessary to give an oratory of his pursuits, his passions, his beliefs, before asking me one question about myself?

According to the book "Mars and Venus on a Date," women share and men advertise. This may be true. But the rub exists where men want to put their best foot forward, which you want to stuff in his mouth. Shhhhh...okay, that's quite enough, thank you. Really, I do believe you when you say that Global Cooling, not Global Warming is occurring. I think that is rather interesting that you think America is in economic and social decline. But really, is this information necessary to share on a first date? Is there anything gained, except the reinforcement of your own beliefs? Am I am even a part of this conversation, or would a tree or a complying drone suffice?

What do I look for on a first date?

- I watch and intuit body language. It is not so much what the guy says, but how he says it.

- I listen for questions. Does he know that I need him to ask about me? And how thoughtful are his questions?

- Is there a spark, a reason for me to keep talking to him? Or do I want to run ten minutes in?

- Is he trying to make me interested? In other words, is he flirting?

- Do I feel like he is really listening and wants to know more about me when I am speaking? Or do I sense that he is just waiting for the chance for him to answer his own question?

- Do I want to know more about him?

An hour and a half in and I was done. He did ask me some questions, but the entire time I felt like I didn't even need to be there; that I was a warm body he could pontificate his theories to. This left me, honestly, frustrated, resenting the time I wasted. But, I supposed this is the stuff of good research.

Stay tuned! Thursday is Date #2: Teteflix. A very silly guy of 38 who commands his readers to take nothing of what he says seriously. A refreshing turn.


Poll Question: What first date qualities do you look for that might make you go for a second?


  1. Dear Kate, how many times have I experienced the same...I agree,these "Narcissists" search for an audience and an applause...Wasted time? No way.
    You are aware of the fact...that is just a good chat- or a monologue:-).You can decide on being his victim. Of course, the answer is: no.
    Art of dating???? Good luck Kate!I'll follow your stories.I miss you:-))))

  2. Friendly, easy to talk to, able to laugh at himself, showing interest in me....

    Not really dating but these are things I looked for in the past. Good luck my friend.
